Main publications documenting the EFSM20 datasets' rationale and construction

  • Basili, R., Danciu, L., Beauval, C., Sesetyan, K., Vilanova, S. P., Adamia, S., Arroucau, P., Atanackov, J., Baize, S., Canora, C., Caputo, R., Carafa, M. M. C., Cushing, E. M., Custódio, S., Demircioglu Tumsa, M. B., Duarte, J. C., Ganas, A., García-Mayordomo, J., Gómez de la Peña, L., Gràcia, E., Jamšek Rupnik, P., Jomard, H., Kastelic, V., Maesano, F. E., Martín-Banda, R., Martínez-Loriente, S., Neres, M., Perea, H., Šket Motnikar, B., Tiberti, M. M., Tsereteli, N., Tsironi, V., Vallone, R., Vanneste, K., Zupančič, P., and Giardini, D. (2024). The European Fault-Source Model 2020 (EFSM20): geologic input data for the European Seismic Hazard Model 2020, Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci.,
  • Danciu, L., Giardini, D., Weatherill, G., Basili, R., Nandan, S., Rovida, A., et al. (2024). The 2020 European Seismic Hazard Model: overview and results. Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci. 24, 3049–3073.
  • Danciu, L., Weatherill, G., Rovida, A., Basili, R., Bard, P.-Y., Beauval, C., Nandan, S., Pagani, M., Crowley, H., Sesetyan, K., Villanova, S., Reyes, C., Marti, M., Cotton, F., Wiemer, S., & Giardini, D. (2022). The 2020 European Seismic Hazard Model: Milestones and Lessons Learned. In Springer Proceedings in Earth and Environmental Sciences (pp. 3–25). Springer International Publishing.
  • Danciu, L., Nandan, S., Reyes, C., Basili, R., Weatherill, G., Beauval, C., Rovida, A., Vilanova, S., Sesetyan, K., Bard, P.-Y., Cotton, F., Wiemer, S., & Giardini, D. (2021). The 2020 update of the European Seismic Hazard Model - ESHM20: Model Overview. EFEHR European Facilities of Earthquake Hazard and Risk.
  • Basili, R., Danciu, L., Carafa, M. M. C., Kastelic, V., Maesano, F. E., Tiberti, M. M., Vallone, R., Gracia, E., Sesetyan, K., Atanackov, J., Sket-Motnikar, B., Zupančič, P., Vanneste, K., & Vilanova, S. (2020). Insights on the European Fault-Source Model (EFSM20) as input to the 2020 update of the European Seismic Hazard Model (ESHM20). Copernicus GmbH.
  • SERA Deliverable D25.2 Updated databases of seismicity, faults, and strain rates for ESHM20.

The tables below summarize the content of the EFSM20 datasets. Table 1 and Table 2 list the files available for download and as web service. Tables A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, and A7 list the attribute definitions of each file.

Table 1 - Tables distributed for download (GeoJSON files, ESRI shapefiles, MapInfo tables) and via OGC WFS. The rightmost column indicates the relevant Table number with the attribute descriptions provided in tables A1-A7.
Category File name Description Parameters table link
Crustal Faults (CF) EFSM20_CF_TOP Trace of the fault plane upper edge. Polylines. A1
EFSM20_CF_BOT Trace of the fault plane lower edge. Polylines.     A1
EFSM20_CF_MID Trace of the fault plane middle line. Polylines.     A1
EFSM20_CF_PLD Vertical projection of the inclined fault planes (in the local dip direction along strike) onto the ground surface. Polygons.     A1
EFSM20_CFDepths Depth isolines (contours) of the fault planes, including top e bottom. Polylines.     A2
Subduction Systems (SS) EFSM20_SlabDepths Depth isolines (contours) representing the geometry of the top surface of the slab. Polylines. A3
EFSM20_SI_Parameters Subduction Interface (SI) parameters. Polygons encompassing the SI area in map view. A4
EFSM20_SI_Discretization Subduction Interface (SI) discretized in areas spanning 1 km depth. Polygons encompassing each area in map view. A5
EFSM20_SI_Realizations Subduction Interface (SI) model realizations considering uncertainties. Polygons encompassing each area of the different realizations in map view. A6
EFSM20_IS_Lattice Intraslab (IS) model constituted by equally-spaced nodes sampling the crustal part of the slab volume. Points. A7


Table 2 - Tables distributed via OGC WMS only.
Category File Name Description
Crustal Faults (CF) EFSM20_CFDepths
Color-coded depth isolines of the fault planes, including the top and bottom. The spacing interval is 0.5 km.
Color-coded fault types: normal, reverse, right-lateral, left-lateral.
Color-coded slip rates. Log-linear separation scale. Four different layers for minimum, maximum, arithmetic mean (default), and geometric mean.
Color-coded maximum magnitude. Five different layers for the average (default), and the 2nd, 5th, 95th, and 98th percentiles.
Color-coded moment rates. Log scale. Four different layers for minimum, maximum, arithmetic mean (default), and geometric mean.
Subduction Systems (SS) EFSM20_SlabDepths
Color-coded depth isolines of the top surface of the slab. Spacing interval is 1 km between 0-40 km and 10 km between 40-300 km.


Table A1 - Definition of the crustal fault attributes. These attributes are the same for EFSM20_CF_TOP, EFSM20_CF_BOT, EFSM20_CF_MID, and EFSM20_CF_PLD files, in any of the distributed format or WFS service.
Field Variable Units Description
IDFS Char(7) n.a. Identifier of the fault source within EFSM20.
IDDS Char(3) n.a. Number of the dataset linked to the file "DescriptionOfDatasets".
IDSource Char(24) n.a. Identifier given in the original source, if available.
StrikeMin Float degrees The minimum value of the fault orientation, between 0-360° increasing clockwise from the north following the right-hand rule. Recalculated from the reshaped fault trace. Rounded to the nearest integer.
StrikeAvg Float degrees The average value of the fault orientation, between 0-360° increasing clockwise from the north following the right-hand rule. Recalculated from the reshaped fault trace. Rounded to the nearest integer.
StrikeMax Float degrees The maximum value of the fault orientation, between 0-360° increasing clockwise from the north following the right-hand rule. Recalculated from the reshaped fault trace. Rounded to the nearest integer.
DipMin Float degrees Minimum value of the dip angle, between 0-90° increasing downward from the horizontal. Rounded to the nearest integer.
DipAvg Float degrees Average value of the dip angle, between 0-90° increasing downward from the horizontal. Rounded to the nearest integer.
DipMax Float degrees Maximum value of the dip angle, between 0-90° increasing downward from the horizontal. Rounded to the nearest integer.
RakeMin Float degrees Minimum value of the hanging-wall sense of movement between -180-180° increasing counterclockwise from the horizontal. Rounded to the nearest integer.
RakeAvg Float degrees Average value of the hanging-wall sense of movement between -180-180° increasing counterclockwise from the horizontal. Rounded to the nearest integer.
RakeMax Float degrees Maximum value of the hanging-wall sense of movement between -180-180° increasing counterclockwise from the horizontal. Rounded to the nearest integer.
MinDepth Float km Value of the minimum depth of the fault, or depth of the upper edge, positive downward from sea level. Rounded to the half kilometer.
MaxDepth Float km Value of the maximum depth of the fault, or depth of the lower edge, positive downward from sea level. Rounded to the half kilometer.
Length Float km Length of the fault measured along the trace of the upper edge. Rounded to the 1st decimal.
E2ELength Float km End-to-end length of the fault, corresponding to the shortest distance between the farthest endpoints on the trace of the upper edge. Rounded to the 1st decimal.
WidthMin Float km Minimum value of the fault width, measured along the dip direction, as calculated from depth and maximum dip. Rounded to the 1st decimal.
WidthAvg Float km Average value of the fault width, measured along the dip direction, as calculated from depth and average dip. Rounded to the 1st decimal.
WidthMax Float km Maximum value of the fault width, measured along the dip direction, as calculated from depth and minimum dip. Rounded to the 1st decimal.
AreaMin Float km^2 Minimum value of the fault area obtained by multiplying total length by width. Rounded to the nearest integer.
AreaAvg Float km^2 Average value of the fault area obtained by multiplying total length by width. Rounded to the nearest integer.
AreaMax Float km^2 Maximum value of the fault area obtained by multiplying total length by width. Rounded to the nearest integer.
SRMin Float mm/yr Minimum value of the slip rate in mm/yr. Rounded to the 3rd decimal.
SRMax Float mm/yr Maximum value of the slip rate in mm/yr. Rounded to the 3rd decimal.
SRAMean Float mm/yr Aritmetic mean value of the slip rate in mm/yr. Rounded to the 3rd decimal.
SRGMean Float mm/yr Geometric mean value of the slip rate in mm/yr. Rounded to the 3rd decimal.
Complex Float scalar Index between 0-1 that indicates the level of complexity of the fault geometry. Rounded to the 4th decimal.
TopoAvg Float m Average topographic elevation above the fault trace, positive upward from sea level. Rounded to the nearest integer.
MohoAvg Float km Value of the average Moho depth below the fault trace, positive downward from sea level. Rounded to the half kilometer.
Mu Float GPa Average shear modulus or rigidity. Fixed for coherence with fault scaling relations used to estimate maximum magnitude.
FaultType Char(2) n.a. One-letter or two-letter code: R = reverse, N = normal, RL = right-lateral transcurrent, LL = left-lateral transcurrent.
FSLTecto Char(3) n.a. Three-letter code: MAR = Mid-Atlantic Ridge; INT = interplate region; SCR = stable continental region.
FSLName Char(24) n.a. Leonard2014_Interplate or Leonard2014_SCR
FSLSlip Char(2) n.a. Two-letter code: DS = dip slip; SS = strike slip.
FSLDim Char(1) n.a. One-letter code indicating which rupture dimension is used to estimate the maximum magnitude: L = length, W = width, A = area, D = displacement.
MwMaxP02 Float scalar Value of 2nd percentile of the maximum moment magnitude distribution. Rounded to the 2nd decimal.
MwMaxP05 Float scalar Value of 5th percentile of the maximum moment magnitude distribution. Rounded to the 2nd decimal.
MwMaxAvg Float scalar Mean value of the maximum moment magnitude distribution. Rounded to the 2nd decimal.
MwMaxP95 Float scalar Value of 95th percentile of the maximum moment magnitude distribution. Rounded to the 2nd decimal.
MwMaxP98 Float scalar Value of 98th percentile of the maximum moment magnitude distribution. Rounded to the 2nd decimal.
M0RMin Float Nm Minimum value of the moment rate of the fault. Logarithmic, base 10, value rounded to the 4th decimal.
M0RMax Float Nm Maximum value of the moment rate of the fault. Logarithmic, base 10, value rounded to the 4th decimal.
M0RAMean Float Nm Arithmetic mean of the moment rate of the fault. Logarithmic, base 10, value rounded to the 4th decimal.
M0RGMean Float Nm Geometric mean of the moment rate of the fault. Logarithmic, base 10, value rounded to the 4th decimal.


Table A2 - Definition of the crustal fault attributes for the EFSM20_CFDepths files.
Field Variable Units Description
IDFS Char(7) n.a. Identifier of the fault source within EFSM20
IDDS Char(3) n.a. Number of the dataset linked to the file "DescriptionOfDatasets".
IDSource Char(24) n.a. Identifier given in the original source, if available.
IDContour Integer n.a. Ordinal that identifies the number of the depth isoline within each crustal fault source.
Depth Float km Depth value of the isoline, positive downward from sea level. The isoline spacing is fixed at 0.5 km depth. The top and bottom lines of the fault plane are included.


Table A3 - Attributes of the slab depths.
Field Variable Units Description
IDFS Char(7) n.a. Identifier of the fault source within EFSM20
SlabName Char(24) n.a. Long name of the subduction system (Gibraltar Arc, Calabrian Arc, Hellenic Arc, Cyprus Arc).
ShortName Char(3) n.a. Short name of the subduction system (GiA, CaA, HeA, CyA).
IDDS Char (3) n.a. Number of the dataset linked to the file "DescriptionOfDatasets".
IDSource Char(24) n.a. Identifier given in the original source
IDContour Char (5) n.a. Identifier of the individual depth isoline coded as follow: three-letter code of the model name, followed by an ordinal including leading zeroes.
Depth Float km Depth value of the isoline, positive downward from sea level. The isoline spacing is fixed at 1 km up to 40 km depth, and at 10 km below. The deepest slab isoline is fixed at 300 km depth.


Table A4 - Attributes of the subduction interface. Geometry and behavior parameters.
Field Variable Units Description
IDFS Char(7) n.a. Identifier of the fault source within EFSM20.
SlabName Char(24) n.a. Long name of the subduction system (Gibraltar Arc, Calabrian Arc, Hellenic Arc, Cyprus Arc).
ShortName Char(3) n.a. Short name of the subduction system (GiA, CaA, HeA, CyA).
IDDS Char(3) n.a. Number of the dataset linked to the file "DescriptionOfDatasets".
IDSource Char(24) n.a. Identifier given in the original source
USD1 Float km Value of the minimum upper seismogenic depth of the slab interface, positive downward from sea level. Rounded to the nearest integer.
USD2 Float km Value of the intermediate upper seismogenic depth of the slab interface, positive downward from sea level. Rounded to the nearest integer.
USD3 Float km Value of the maximum upper seismogenic depth of the slab interface, positive downward from sea level. Rounded to the nearest integer.
LSD1 Float km Value of the minimum lower seismogenic depth of the slab interface, positive downward from sea level. Rounded to the nearest integer.
LSD2 Float km Value of the intermediate lower seismogenic depth of the slab interface, positive downward from sea level. Rounded to the nearest integer.
LSD3 Float km Value of the maximum lower seismogenic depth of the slab interface, positive downward from sea level. Rounded to the nearest integer.
ConvRate1 Float mm/yr Value of the lowest estimate of the convergence rate. Rounded to the 2nd decimal.
ConvRate2 Float mm/yr Value of the average estimate of the convergence rate. Rounded to the 2nd decimal.
ConvRate3 Float mm/yr Value of the highest estimate of the convergence rate. Rounded to the 2nd decimal.
ConvAz1 Float degrees Lowest azimuth value of the upper-plate and lower-plate convergence direction between 0-180° increasing clockwise from the North. Rounded to the nearest integer.
ConvAz2 Float degrees Average azimuth value of the upper-plate and lower-plate convergence direction between 0-180° increasing clockwise from the North. Rounded to the nearest integer.
ConvAz3 Float degrees Highest azimuth value of the upper-plate and lower-plate convergence direction between 0-180° increasing clockwise from the North. Rounded to the nearest integer.
TopoMin Float km Minimum topobathymetric elevation above the subduction interface area. Rounded to the 1st decimal.
TopoAvg Float km Average topobathymetric elevation above the subduction interface area. Rounded to the 1st decimal.
TopoMax Float km Maximum topobathymetric elevation above the subduction interface area. Rounded to the 1st decimal.
MohoMin Float km Value of the minimum Moho depth below the slab interface, positive downward from sea level, as measured in the shallowest region of the slab interface. Rounded to the nearest integer.
MohoAvg Float km Value of the average Moho depth below the slab interface, positive downward from sea level, as measured in the shallowest region of the slab interface. Rounded to the nearest integer.
MohoMax Float km Value of the maximum Moho depth below the slab interface, positive downward from sea level, as measured in the shallowest region of the slab interface. Rounded to the nearest integer.
LengthMin Float km Length of the shortest depth isoline within the slab interface. Rounded to the nearest integer.
LengthMax Float km Length of the longest depth isoline within the slab interface. Rounded to the nearest integer.
AreaInMap Float sq km Total area occupied by the vertical projection onto the ground surface of the slab interface.
AreaDD Float sq km Total area of the slab-interface dipping surface, comprised between the uppermost and lowermost depths. Rounded to the nearest integer.
WidthAvg Float km Average width of the slab-interface surface measured along the dip-direction (orthogonal to strike). Rounded to the nearest integer.
DipAvg Float degrees Average dip angle (slope) of the slab-interface surface measured along the dip-direction (orthogonal to strike). Rounded to the nearest integer.
Table A5 - Attributes of the subduction interface discretization.
Field Variable Units Description
IDFS Char(7) n.a. Identifier of the fault source within EFSM20.
SlabName Char(24) n.a. Long name of the subduction system (Gibraltar Arc, Calabrian Arc, Hellenic Arc, Cyprus Arc).
ShortName Char(3) n.a. Short name of the subduction system (GiA, CaA, HeA, CyA).
IDDS Char(3) n.a. Number of the dataset linked to the file "DescriptionOfDatasets".
IDSource Char(24) n.a. Identifier given in the original source
IDInterval Char (5) n.a. Identifier of the individual depth interval coded as follow: three-letter code of the model name, followed by an ordinal including leading zeroes.
DepthHi Float km Value of the upper seismogenic depth of the slab interface, positive downward from sea level. Rounded to the nearest integer.
DepthLo Float km Value of the lower seismogenic depth of the slab interface, positive downward from sea level. Rounded to the nearest integer.
LengthHi Float km Length of the upper isoline of the depth interval. Rounded to the nearest integer.
LengthLo Float km Length of the lower isoline of the depth interval. Rounded to the nearest integer.
LengthAvg Float km Average length of the upper and lower isolines of the depth interval. Rounded to the nearest integer.
AreaInMap Float sq km Total area occupied by the vertical projection onto the ground surface of the slab interface.
AreaDD Float sq km Total area of the slab-interface dipping surface, comprised between the uppermost and lowermost depths. Rounded to the nearest integer.
WidthAvg Float km Average width of the slab-interface surface measured along the dip-direction (orthogonal to strike). Rounded to the nearest integer.
DipAvg Float degrees Average dip angle (slope) of the slab-interface surface measured along the dip-direction (orthogonal to strike). Rounded to the nearest integer.
TopoMin Float m Minimum topo-bathymetric elevation above the subduction interface area. Rounded to the 1st decimal.
TopoAvg Float m Average topo-bathymetric elevation above the subduction interface area. Rounded to the 1st decimal.
TopoMax Float m Maximum topo-bathymetric elevation above the subduction interface area. Rounded to the 1st decimal.
MuPREM Float GPa Shear modulus (or rigidity) at the depth interval of the slab discretization, as derived from Dziewonski and Anderson (1981). Rounded to the nearest integer.
MuSC19 Float GPa Shear modulus (or rigidity) at the depth interval of the slab discretization, as derived from Scala et al. (2019). Rounded to the nearest integer.
MuBL99 Float GPa Shear modulus (or rigidity) at the depth interval of the slab discretization, as derived from Bilek and Lay (1999). Rounded to the nearest integer.
MuSR19Min Float GPa Shear modulus (or rigidity), - 1 standard deviation, at the depth interval of the slab discretization, as derived from Sallarèr and Ranero (2019). Rounded to the nearest integer.
MuSR19Avg Float GPa Shear modulus (or rigidity) at the depth interval of the slab discretization, as derived from Sallarèr and Ranero (2019). Rounded to the nearest integer.
MuSR19Max Float GPa Shear modulus (or rigidity), + 1 standard deviation, at the depth interval of the slab discretization as derived from Sallarèr and Ranero (2019). Rounded to the nearest integer.


Table A6 - Attributes of the subduction interface realizations.
Field Variable Units Description
IDFS Char(7) n.a. Identifier of the fault source within EFSM20.
SlabName Char(24) n.a. Long name of the subduction system (Gibraltar Arc, Calabrian Arc, Hellenic Arc, Cyprus Arc).
ShortName Char(3) n.a. Short name of the subduction system (GiA, CaA, HeA, CyA).
ModelCode Char(5) n.a. Five-character code formed by the ShortName string followed by two numbers (1-2-3) representing the combination of the USD and LSD values. This code also identifies a different polygon in the map, corresponding to the slab interface area enclosed between the two different depth isolines.
USD Float km Value of the upper seismogenic depth of the slab interface, positive downward from sea level. Rounded to the nearest integer.
LSD Float km Value of the lower seismogenic depth of the slab interface, positive downward from sea level. Rounded to the nearest integer.
TotalArea Float sq km Value of the slab interface area of the model realization. Rounded to the nearest integer.
Mu1 Float GPa Shear modulus (or rigidity) based on the depth range of the slab interface realization (weighted average of the expected values -1 s.d.). Rounded to the nearest integer.
Mu2 Float GPa Shear modulus (or rigidity) based on the depth range of the slab interface realization (weighted average of the expected values). Rounded to the nearest integer.
Mu3 Float GPa Shear modulus (or rigidity) based on the depth range of the slab interface realization (weighted average of the expected values +1 s.d.). Rounded to the nearest integer.
ConvRate1 Float mm/yr Value of the lowest estimate of the convergence rate. Rounded to the 2nd decimal.
ConvRate2 Float mm/yr Value of the average estimate of the convergence rate. Rounded to the 2nd decimal.
ConvRate3 Float mm/yr Value of the highest estimate of the convergence rate. Rounded to the 2nd decimal.
MwMax1 Float scalar Maximum moment magnitude based on the total area of the slab interface realization (expected value -1s). Rounded to the 2nd decimal.
MwMax2 Float scalar Maximum moment magnitude based on the total area of the slab interface realization (expected value). Rounded to the 2nd decimal.
MwMax3 Float scalar Maximum moment magnitude based on the total area of the slab interface realization (expected value +1s). Rounded to the 2nd decimal.
TM0Rate11 Float Nm Moment rate of the slab interface realization obtained from the product of TotalArea*Mu1*ConvRate1. Logarithmic, base 10, value rounded to the 3rd decimal.
TM0Rate33 Float Nm Moment rate of the slab interface realization obtained from the product of TotalArea*Mu3*ConvRate3. Logarithmic, base 10, value rounded to the 3rd decimal.
Table A7 - Attributes of the intraslab geometric parameters.
Field Variable Units Description
IDFS Char(7) n.a. Identifier of the fault source within EFSM20.
SlabName Char(24) n.a. Long name of the subduction system (Gibraltar Arc, Calabrian Arc, Hellenic Arc, Cyprus Arc).
ShortName Char(3) n.a. Short name of the subduction system (GiA, CaA, HeA, CyA).
IDDS Char(3) n.a. Number of the dataset linked to the file "DescriptionOfDatasets".
IDNode Char(8) n.a. Identifier of the individual nodes coded as follows: three-letter code of the model name, followed by an ordinal including leading zeroes.
Lon Float degrees Longitude of the node in decimal degrees, positive eastward, datum WGS84 (EPSG 4326). The east-west spacing between nodes is fixed at 10 km.
Lat Float degrees Latitude of the node in decimal degrees, positive northward, datum WGS84 (EPSG 4326). The north-south spacing between nodes is fixed at 10 km.
Depth Float km Depth of the node, positive downward from sea level. The node depth spacing is fixed at 10 km, starting from 5 km.
Strike Float degrees Value of the slab orientation, between 0-360° increasing clockwise from the north following the right-hand rule. Recalculated from the nearest point on the slab mid-surface. Rounded to the nearest integer.
DipDir Float degrees Value of the slab dip direction (downward direction of maximum slope), between 0-360° increasing clockwise from the north. Calculated as strike + 90°. Rounded to the nearest integer.
Dip Float degrees Value of the slab dip angle, between 0-90° increasing downward from the horizontal. Recalculated from the nearest point on the slab mid-surface. Rounded to the nearest integer.