Main publications documenting the EFSM20 datasets' rationale and construction
- Basili, R., Danciu, L., Beauval, C., Sesetyan, K., Vilanova, S. P., Adamia, S., Arroucau, P., Atanackov, J., Baize, S., Canora, C., Caputo, R., Carafa, M. M. C., Cushing, E. M., Custódio, S., Demircioglu Tumsa, M. B., Duarte, J. C., Ganas, A., García-Mayordomo, J., Gómez de la Peña, L., Gràcia, E., Jamšek Rupnik, P., Jomard, H., Kastelic, V., Maesano, F. E., Martín-Banda, R., Martínez-Loriente, S., Neres, M., Perea, H., Šket Motnikar, B., Tiberti, M. M., Tsereteli, N., Tsironi, V., Vallone, R., Vanneste, K., Zupančič, P., and Giardini, D. (2024). The European Fault-Source Model 2020 (EFSM20): geologic input data for the European Seismic Hazard Model 2020, Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci.,
- Danciu, L., Giardini, D., Weatherill, G., Basili, R., Nandan, S., Rovida, A., et al. (2024). The 2020 European Seismic Hazard Model: overview and results. Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci. 24, 3049–3073.
- Danciu, L., Weatherill, G., Rovida, A., Basili, R., Bard, P.-Y., Beauval, C., Nandan, S., Pagani, M., Crowley, H., Sesetyan, K., Villanova, S., Reyes, C., Marti, M., Cotton, F., Wiemer, S., & Giardini, D. (2022). The 2020 European Seismic Hazard Model: Milestones and Lessons Learned. In Springer Proceedings in Earth and Environmental Sciences (pp. 3–25). Springer International Publishing.
- Danciu, L., Nandan, S., Reyes, C., Basili, R., Weatherill, G., Beauval, C., Rovida, A., Vilanova, S., Sesetyan, K., Bard, P.-Y., Cotton, F., Wiemer, S., & Giardini, D. (2021). The 2020 update of the European Seismic Hazard Model - ESHM20: Model Overview. EFEHR European Facilities of Earthquake Hazard and Risk.
- Basili, R., Danciu, L., Carafa, M. M. C., Kastelic, V., Maesano, F. E., Tiberti, M. M., Vallone, R., Gracia, E., Sesetyan, K., Atanackov, J., Sket-Motnikar, B., Zupančič, P., Vanneste, K., & Vilanova, S. (2020). Insights on the European Fault-Source Model (EFSM20) as input to the 2020 update of the European Seismic Hazard Model (ESHM20). Copernicus GmbH.
- SERA Deliverable D25.2 Updated databases of seismicity, faults, and strain rates for ESHM20.
The tables below summarize the content of the EFSM20 datasets. Table 1 and Table 2 list the files available for download and as web service. Tables A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, and A7 list the attribute definitions of each file.
Category | File name | Description | Parameters table link |
Crustal Faults (CF) | EFSM20_CF_TOP | Trace of the fault plane upper edge. Polylines. | A1 |
EFSM20_CF_BOT | Trace of the fault plane lower edge. Polylines. | A1 | |
EFSM20_CF_MID | Trace of the fault plane middle line. Polylines. | A1 | |
EFSM20_CF_PLD | Vertical projection of the inclined fault planes (in the local dip direction along strike) onto the ground surface. Polygons. | A1 | |
EFSM20_CFDepths | Depth isolines (contours) of the fault planes, including top e bottom. Polylines. | A2 | |
Subduction Systems (SS) | EFSM20_SlabDepths | Depth isolines (contours) representing the geometry of the top surface of the slab. Polylines. | A3 |
EFSM20_SI_Parameters | Subduction Interface (SI) parameters. Polygons encompassing the SI area in map view. | A4 | |
EFSM20_SI_Discretization | Subduction Interface (SI) discretized in areas spanning 1 km depth. Polygons encompassing each area in map view. | A5 | |
EFSM20_SI_Realizations | Subduction Interface (SI) model realizations considering uncertainties. Polygons encompassing each area of the different realizations in map view. | A6 | |
EFSM20_IS_Lattice | Intraslab (IS) model constituted by equally-spaced nodes sampling the crustal part of the slab volume. Points. | A7 |
Category | File Name | Description |
Crustal Faults (CF) | EFSM20_CFDepths ColorScaleCFDepths.sld |
Color-coded depth isolines of the fault planes, including the top and bottom. The spacing interval is 0.5 km. |
EFSM20_CF_FaultTypes ColorScaleFaultTypes.sld |
Color-coded fault types: normal, reverse, right-lateral, left-lateral. | |
EFSM20_CF_SlipRates ColorScaleSR.sld |
Color-coded slip rates. Log-linear separation scale. Four different layers for minimum, maximum, arithmetic mean (default), and geometric mean. | |
EFSM20_CF_MaxMagnitude ColorScaleMw02.sld |
Color-coded maximum magnitude. Five different layers for the average (default), and the 2nd, 5th, 95th, and 98th percentiles. | |
EFSM20_CF_MomentRates ColorScaleM0R.sld |
Color-coded moment rates. Log scale. Four different layers for minimum, maximum, arithmetic mean (default), and geometric mean. | |
Subduction Systems (SS) | EFSM20_SlabDepths ColorScaleSlabDepths.sld |
Color-coded depth isolines of the top surface of the slab. Spacing interval is 1 km between 0-40 km and 10 km between 40-300 km.
Field | Variable | Units | Description |
IDFS | Char(7) | n.a. | Identifier of the fault source within EFSM20. |
IDDS | Char(3) | n.a. | Number of the dataset linked to the file "DescriptionOfDatasets". |
IDSource | Char(24) | n.a. | Identifier given in the original source, if available. |
StrikeMin | Float | degrees | The minimum value of the fault orientation, between 0-360° increasing clockwise from the north following the right-hand rule. Recalculated from the reshaped fault trace. Rounded to the nearest integer. |
StrikeAvg | Float | degrees | The average value of the fault orientation, between 0-360° increasing clockwise from the north following the right-hand rule. Recalculated from the reshaped fault trace. Rounded to the nearest integer. |
StrikeMax | Float | degrees | The maximum value of the fault orientation, between 0-360° increasing clockwise from the north following the right-hand rule. Recalculated from the reshaped fault trace. Rounded to the nearest integer. |
DipMin | Float | degrees | Minimum value of the dip angle, between 0-90° increasing downward from the horizontal. Rounded to the nearest integer. |
DipAvg | Float | degrees | Average value of the dip angle, between 0-90° increasing downward from the horizontal. Rounded to the nearest integer. |
DipMax | Float | degrees | Maximum value of the dip angle, between 0-90° increasing downward from the horizontal. Rounded to the nearest integer. |
RakeMin | Float | degrees | Minimum value of the hanging-wall sense of movement between -180-180° increasing counterclockwise from the horizontal. Rounded to the nearest integer. |
RakeAvg | Float | degrees | Average value of the hanging-wall sense of movement between -180-180° increasing counterclockwise from the horizontal. Rounded to the nearest integer. |
RakeMax | Float | degrees | Maximum value of the hanging-wall sense of movement between -180-180° increasing counterclockwise from the horizontal. Rounded to the nearest integer. |
MinDepth | Float | km | Value of the minimum depth of the fault, or depth of the upper edge, positive downward from sea level. Rounded to the half kilometer. |
MaxDepth | Float | km | Value of the maximum depth of the fault, or depth of the lower edge, positive downward from sea level. Rounded to the half kilometer. |
Length | Float | km | Length of the fault measured along the trace of the upper edge. Rounded to the 1st decimal. |
E2ELength | Float | km | End-to-end length of the fault, corresponding to the shortest distance between the farthest endpoints on the trace of the upper edge. Rounded to the 1st decimal. |
WidthMin | Float | km | Minimum value of the fault width, measured along the dip direction, as calculated from depth and maximum dip. Rounded to the 1st decimal. |
WidthAvg | Float | km | Average value of the fault width, measured along the dip direction, as calculated from depth and average dip. Rounded to the 1st decimal. |
WidthMax | Float | km | Maximum value of the fault width, measured along the dip direction, as calculated from depth and minimum dip. Rounded to the 1st decimal. |
AreaMin | Float | km^2 | Minimum value of the fault area obtained by multiplying total length by width. Rounded to the nearest integer. |
AreaAvg | Float | km^2 | Average value of the fault area obtained by multiplying total length by width. Rounded to the nearest integer. |
AreaMax | Float | km^2 | Maximum value of the fault area obtained by multiplying total length by width. Rounded to the nearest integer. |
SRMin | Float | mm/yr | Minimum value of the slip rate in mm/yr. Rounded to the 3rd decimal. |
SRMax | Float | mm/yr | Maximum value of the slip rate in mm/yr. Rounded to the 3rd decimal. |
SRAMean | Float | mm/yr | Aritmetic mean value of the slip rate in mm/yr. Rounded to the 3rd decimal. |
SRGMean | Float | mm/yr | Geometric mean value of the slip rate in mm/yr. Rounded to the 3rd decimal. |
Complex | Float | scalar | Index between 0-1 that indicates the level of complexity of the fault geometry. Rounded to the 4th decimal. |
TopoAvg | Float | m | Average topographic elevation above the fault trace, positive upward from sea level. Rounded to the nearest integer. |
MohoAvg | Float | km | Value of the average Moho depth below the fault trace, positive downward from sea level. Rounded to the half kilometer. |
Mu | Float | GPa | Average shear modulus or rigidity. Fixed for coherence with fault scaling relations used to estimate maximum magnitude. |
FaultType | Char(2) | n.a. | One-letter or two-letter code: R = reverse, N = normal, RL = right-lateral transcurrent, LL = left-lateral transcurrent. |
FSLTecto | Char(3) | n.a. | Three-letter code: MAR = Mid-Atlantic Ridge; INT = interplate region; SCR = stable continental region. |
FSLName | Char(24) | n.a. | Leonard2014_Interplate or Leonard2014_SCR |
FSLSlip | Char(2) | n.a. | Two-letter code: DS = dip slip; SS = strike slip. |
FSLDim | Char(1) | n.a. | One-letter code indicating which rupture dimension is used to estimate the maximum magnitude: L = length, W = width, A = area, D = displacement. |
MwMaxP02 | Float | scalar | Value of 2nd percentile of the maximum moment magnitude distribution. Rounded to the 2nd decimal. |
MwMaxP05 | Float | scalar | Value of 5th percentile of the maximum moment magnitude distribution. Rounded to the 2nd decimal. |
MwMaxAvg | Float | scalar | Mean value of the maximum moment magnitude distribution. Rounded to the 2nd decimal. |
MwMaxP95 | Float | scalar | Value of 95th percentile of the maximum moment magnitude distribution. Rounded to the 2nd decimal. |
MwMaxP98 | Float | scalar | Value of 98th percentile of the maximum moment magnitude distribution. Rounded to the 2nd decimal. |
M0RMin | Float | Nm | Minimum value of the moment rate of the fault. Logarithmic, base 10, value rounded to the 4th decimal. |
M0RMax | Float | Nm | Maximum value of the moment rate of the fault. Logarithmic, base 10, value rounded to the 4th decimal. |
M0RAMean | Float | Nm | Arithmetic mean of the moment rate of the fault. Logarithmic, base 10, value rounded to the 4th decimal. |
M0RGMean | Float | Nm | Geometric mean of the moment rate of the fault. Logarithmic, base 10, value rounded to the 4th decimal. |
Field | Variable | Units | Description |
IDFS | Char(7) | n.a. | Identifier of the fault source within EFSM20 |
IDDS | Char(3) | n.a. | Number of the dataset linked to the file "DescriptionOfDatasets". |
IDSource | Char(24) | n.a. | Identifier given in the original source, if available. |
IDContour | Integer | n.a. | Ordinal that identifies the number of the depth isoline within each crustal fault source. |
Depth | Float | km | Depth value of the isoline, positive downward from sea level. The isoline spacing is fixed at 0.5 km depth. The top and bottom lines of the fault plane are included. |
Field | Variable | Units | Description |
IDFS | Char(7) | n.a. | Identifier of the fault source within EFSM20 |
SlabName | Char(24) | n.a. | Long name of the subduction system (Gibraltar Arc, Calabrian Arc, Hellenic Arc, Cyprus Arc). |
ShortName | Char(3) | n.a. | Short name of the subduction system (GiA, CaA, HeA, CyA). |
IDDS | Char (3) | n.a. | Number of the dataset linked to the file "DescriptionOfDatasets". |
IDSource | Char(24) | n.a. | Identifier given in the original source |
IDContour | Char (5) | n.a. | Identifier of the individual depth isoline coded as follow: three-letter code of the model name, followed by an ordinal including leading zeroes. |
Depth | Float | km | Depth value of the isoline, positive downward from sea level. The isoline spacing is fixed at 1 km up to 40 km depth, and at 10 km below. The deepest slab isoline is fixed at 300 km depth. |
Field | Variable | Units | Description |
IDFS | Char(7) | n.a. | Identifier of the fault source within EFSM20. |
SlabName | Char(24) | n.a. | Long name of the subduction system (Gibraltar Arc, Calabrian Arc, Hellenic Arc, Cyprus Arc). |
ShortName | Char(3) | n.a. | Short name of the subduction system (GiA, CaA, HeA, CyA). |
IDDS | Char(3) | n.a. | Number of the dataset linked to the file "DescriptionOfDatasets". |
IDSource | Char(24) | n.a. | Identifier given in the original source |
USD1 | Float | km | Value of the minimum upper seismogenic depth of the slab interface, positive downward from sea level. Rounded to the nearest integer. |
USD2 | Float | km | Value of the intermediate upper seismogenic depth of the slab interface, positive downward from sea level. Rounded to the nearest integer. |
USD3 | Float | km | Value of the maximum upper seismogenic depth of the slab interface, positive downward from sea level. Rounded to the nearest integer. |
LSD1 | Float | km | Value of the minimum lower seismogenic depth of the slab interface, positive downward from sea level. Rounded to the nearest integer. |
LSD2 | Float | km | Value of the intermediate lower seismogenic depth of the slab interface, positive downward from sea level. Rounded to the nearest integer. |
LSD3 | Float | km | Value of the maximum lower seismogenic depth of the slab interface, positive downward from sea level. Rounded to the nearest integer. |
ConvRate1 | Float | mm/yr | Value of the lowest estimate of the convergence rate. Rounded to the 2nd decimal. |
ConvRate2 | Float | mm/yr | Value of the average estimate of the convergence rate. Rounded to the 2nd decimal. |
ConvRate3 | Float | mm/yr | Value of the highest estimate of the convergence rate. Rounded to the 2nd decimal. |
ConvAz1 | Float | degrees | Lowest azimuth value of the upper-plate and lower-plate convergence direction between 0-180° increasing clockwise from the North. Rounded to the nearest integer. |
ConvAz2 | Float | degrees | Average azimuth value of the upper-plate and lower-plate convergence direction between 0-180° increasing clockwise from the North. Rounded to the nearest integer. |
ConvAz3 | Float | degrees | Highest azimuth value of the upper-plate and lower-plate convergence direction between 0-180° increasing clockwise from the North. Rounded to the nearest integer. |
TopoMin | Float | km | Minimum topobathymetric elevation above the subduction interface area. Rounded to the 1st decimal. |
TopoAvg | Float | km | Average topobathymetric elevation above the subduction interface area. Rounded to the 1st decimal. |
TopoMax | Float | km | Maximum topobathymetric elevation above the subduction interface area. Rounded to the 1st decimal. |
MohoMin | Float | km | Value of the minimum Moho depth below the slab interface, positive downward from sea level, as measured in the shallowest region of the slab interface. Rounded to the nearest integer. |
MohoAvg | Float | km | Value of the average Moho depth below the slab interface, positive downward from sea level, as measured in the shallowest region of the slab interface. Rounded to the nearest integer. |
MohoMax | Float | km | Value of the maximum Moho depth below the slab interface, positive downward from sea level, as measured in the shallowest region of the slab interface. Rounded to the nearest integer. |
LengthMin | Float | km | Length of the shortest depth isoline within the slab interface. Rounded to the nearest integer. |
LengthMax | Float | km | Length of the longest depth isoline within the slab interface. Rounded to the nearest integer. |
AreaInMap | Float | sq km | Total area occupied by the vertical projection onto the ground surface of the slab interface. |
AreaDD | Float | sq km | Total area of the slab-interface dipping surface, comprised between the uppermost and lowermost depths. Rounded to the nearest integer. |
WidthAvg | Float | km | Average width of the slab-interface surface measured along the dip-direction (orthogonal to strike). Rounded to the nearest integer. |
DipAvg | Float | degrees | Average dip angle (slope) of the slab-interface surface measured along the dip-direction (orthogonal to strike). Rounded to the nearest integer. |
Field | Variable | Units | Description |
IDFS | Char(7) | n.a. | Identifier of the fault source within EFSM20. |
SlabName | Char(24) | n.a. | Long name of the subduction system (Gibraltar Arc, Calabrian Arc, Hellenic Arc, Cyprus Arc). |
ShortName | Char(3) | n.a. | Short name of the subduction system (GiA, CaA, HeA, CyA). |
IDDS | Char(3) | n.a. | Number of the dataset linked to the file "DescriptionOfDatasets". |
IDSource | Char(24) | n.a. | Identifier given in the original source |
IDInterval | Char (5) | n.a. | Identifier of the individual depth interval coded as follow: three-letter code of the model name, followed by an ordinal including leading zeroes. |
DepthHi | Float | km | Value of the upper seismogenic depth of the slab interface, positive downward from sea level. Rounded to the nearest integer. |
DepthLo | Float | km | Value of the lower seismogenic depth of the slab interface, positive downward from sea level. Rounded to the nearest integer. |
LengthHi | Float | km | Length of the upper isoline of the depth interval. Rounded to the nearest integer. |
LengthLo | Float | km | Length of the lower isoline of the depth interval. Rounded to the nearest integer. |
LengthAvg | Float | km | Average length of the upper and lower isolines of the depth interval. Rounded to the nearest integer. |
AreaInMap | Float | sq km | Total area occupied by the vertical projection onto the ground surface of the slab interface. |
AreaDD | Float | sq km | Total area of the slab-interface dipping surface, comprised between the uppermost and lowermost depths. Rounded to the nearest integer. |
WidthAvg | Float | km | Average width of the slab-interface surface measured along the dip-direction (orthogonal to strike). Rounded to the nearest integer. |
DipAvg | Float | degrees | Average dip angle (slope) of the slab-interface surface measured along the dip-direction (orthogonal to strike). Rounded to the nearest integer. |
TopoMin | Float | m | Minimum topo-bathymetric elevation above the subduction interface area. Rounded to the 1st decimal. |
TopoAvg | Float | m | Average topo-bathymetric elevation above the subduction interface area. Rounded to the 1st decimal. |
TopoMax | Float | m | Maximum topo-bathymetric elevation above the subduction interface area. Rounded to the 1st decimal. |
MuPREM | Float | GPa | Shear modulus (or rigidity) at the depth interval of the slab discretization, as derived from Dziewonski and Anderson (1981). Rounded to the nearest integer. |
MuSC19 | Float | GPa | Shear modulus (or rigidity) at the depth interval of the slab discretization, as derived from Scala et al. (2019). Rounded to the nearest integer. |
MuBL99 | Float | GPa | Shear modulus (or rigidity) at the depth interval of the slab discretization, as derived from Bilek and Lay (1999). Rounded to the nearest integer. |
MuSR19Min | Float | GPa | Shear modulus (or rigidity), - 1 standard deviation, at the depth interval of the slab discretization, as derived from Sallarèr and Ranero (2019). Rounded to the nearest integer. |
MuSR19Avg | Float | GPa | Shear modulus (or rigidity) at the depth interval of the slab discretization, as derived from Sallarèr and Ranero (2019). Rounded to the nearest integer. |
MuSR19Max | Float | GPa | Shear modulus (or rigidity), + 1 standard deviation, at the depth interval of the slab discretization as derived from Sallarèr and Ranero (2019). Rounded to the nearest integer. |
Field | Variable | Units | Description |
IDFS | Char(7) | n.a. | Identifier of the fault source within EFSM20. |
SlabName | Char(24) | n.a. | Long name of the subduction system (Gibraltar Arc, Calabrian Arc, Hellenic Arc, Cyprus Arc). |
ShortName | Char(3) | n.a. | Short name of the subduction system (GiA, CaA, HeA, CyA). |
ModelCode | Char(5) | n.a. | Five-character code formed by the ShortName string followed by two numbers (1-2-3) representing the combination of the USD and LSD values. This code also identifies a different polygon in the map, corresponding to the slab interface area enclosed between the two different depth isolines. |
USD | Float | km | Value of the upper seismogenic depth of the slab interface, positive downward from sea level. Rounded to the nearest integer. |
LSD | Float | km | Value of the lower seismogenic depth of the slab interface, positive downward from sea level. Rounded to the nearest integer. |
TotalArea | Float | sq km | Value of the slab interface area of the model realization. Rounded to the nearest integer. |
Mu1 | Float | GPa | Shear modulus (or rigidity) based on the depth range of the slab interface realization (weighted average of the expected values -1 s.d.). Rounded to the nearest integer. |
Mu2 | Float | GPa | Shear modulus (or rigidity) based on the depth range of the slab interface realization (weighted average of the expected values). Rounded to the nearest integer. |
Mu3 | Float | GPa | Shear modulus (or rigidity) based on the depth range of the slab interface realization (weighted average of the expected values +1 s.d.). Rounded to the nearest integer. |
ConvRate1 | Float | mm/yr | Value of the lowest estimate of the convergence rate. Rounded to the 2nd decimal. |
ConvRate2 | Float | mm/yr | Value of the average estimate of the convergence rate. Rounded to the 2nd decimal. |
ConvRate3 | Float | mm/yr | Value of the highest estimate of the convergence rate. Rounded to the 2nd decimal. |
MwMax1 | Float | scalar | Maximum moment magnitude based on the total area of the slab interface realization (expected value -1s). Rounded to the 2nd decimal. |
MwMax2 | Float | scalar | Maximum moment magnitude based on the total area of the slab interface realization (expected value). Rounded to the 2nd decimal. |
MwMax3 | Float | scalar | Maximum moment magnitude based on the total area of the slab interface realization (expected value +1s). Rounded to the 2nd decimal. |
TM0Rate11 | Float | Nm | Moment rate of the slab interface realization obtained from the product of TotalArea*Mu1*ConvRate1. Logarithmic, base 10, value rounded to the 3rd decimal. |
TM0Rate33 | Float | Nm | Moment rate of the slab interface realization obtained from the product of TotalArea*Mu3*ConvRate3. Logarithmic, base 10, value rounded to the 3rd decimal. |
Field | Variable | Units | Description |
IDFS | Char(7) | n.a. | Identifier of the fault source within EFSM20. |
SlabName | Char(24) | n.a. | Long name of the subduction system (Gibraltar Arc, Calabrian Arc, Hellenic Arc, Cyprus Arc). |
ShortName | Char(3) | n.a. | Short name of the subduction system (GiA, CaA, HeA, CyA). |
IDDS | Char(3) | n.a. | Number of the dataset linked to the file "DescriptionOfDatasets". |
IDNode | Char(8) | n.a. | Identifier of the individual nodes coded as follows: three-letter code of the model name, followed by an ordinal including leading zeroes. |
Lon | Float | degrees | Longitude of the node in decimal degrees, positive eastward, datum WGS84 (EPSG 4326). The east-west spacing between nodes is fixed at 10 km. |
Lat | Float | degrees | Latitude of the node in decimal degrees, positive northward, datum WGS84 (EPSG 4326). The north-south spacing between nodes is fixed at 10 km. |
Depth | Float | km | Depth of the node, positive downward from sea level. The node depth spacing is fixed at 10 km, starting from 5 km. |
Strike | Float | degrees | Value of the slab orientation, between 0-360° increasing clockwise from the north following the right-hand rule. Recalculated from the nearest point on the slab mid-surface. Rounded to the nearest integer. |
DipDir | Float | degrees | Value of the slab dip direction (downward direction of maximum slope), between 0-360° increasing clockwise from the north. Calculated as strike + 90°. Rounded to the nearest integer. |
Dip | Float | degrees | Value of the slab dip angle, between 0-90° increasing downward from the horizontal. Recalculated from the nearest point on the slab mid-surface. Rounded to the nearest integer. |