Report on the 2022 activity of the EDSF installation

The European Databases of Seismogenic Faults (EDSF) installation operates under the auspices of the EPOS TCS-Seismology work program, particularly those of the EFEHR Consortium, and considers the principles expressed by the EPOS Data Policy. EDSF offers services that distribute data about seismogenic faulting proposed by the scientific community or solicited to the scientific community or stemming from project partnerships that involved the use or development of the EDSF installation itself.

Portal content updates



Portal access statistics

Access to the portal webpages is monitored via Google Analytics.

GA monthly analytics
Monthly users and pageviews
GA geographic distribution
Geographic distribution of site usage

Portfolio of distributed services

The portal distributes 38 OGC WFS layers and 54 OGC WMS layers of three different datasets, including multiple versions, as listed in the table below.

Dataset Version Date of publication (MM/YYYY) OGC WFS layers OGC WMS layers ICS-C GUI DMP
European Database of Seismogenic Faults 2013 (EDSF13) 2013 03/2013 4 8 Yes Yes
Database of Individual Seismogenic Sources (DISS) 3.2.0 06/2015 6 10 No Yes
Database of Individual Seismogenic Sources (DISS) 3.2.1 04/2018 6 10 No Yes
Database of Individual Seismogenic Sources (DISS) 3.3.0 12/2021 6 10 No Yes
Database of Individual Seismogenic Sources (DISS) Current ≡ 3.3.0 12/2021 6 10 No Yes
European Fault-Source Model 2020 (EFSM20) 2020 10/2022 10 6 Yes Yes

Access statistics of distributed services

Access to the distributed web services is monitored using AWStats software. Notice that, differently from web pages, in the case of web services, the term "visitor" refers to a user that performs a query to the dataset. Likewise, the terms "visit" and "hit" must be intended to be equivalent to queries. The term "bandwidth" is the total number of bytes (images and files downloaded) transferred by queries.


web services usage
Usage of web services

Thanks to the configuration changes made to the IT infrastructure since April 2022, we can monitor each service individually. March 2022 has mixed data, while in earlier months, we could monitor the service collectively and discriminate between them through data post-processing. Each DISS version includes an access quota to the “current” concurrently active version. Access to EFSM20 before its publication (October 2022) is mostly due to the service testing.