European Databases of Seismogenic Faults for Science and Engineering

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The data distributed here were prepared by researchers of Project SHARE, Work Package 3, coordinated by Gianluca Valensise, Task 2.
The Task 2 Team at INGV was formed by:
  • Roberto Basili: task leader
  • Vanja Kastelic: data collection and analysis
  • Gabriele Tarabusi: database management and programming
  • Anna De Santis: system manager
The SHARE, WP3, Deliverable D3.4, illustrates the EDSF13 basic definitions, the database rationale, structure, and data collection strategy as originally conceived.

Basili R., Kastelic V., and SHARE WP3.2 Team (2011) D3.4 – Database of active faults and seismogenic sources. SHARE Project Deliverable D3.4, WP3, Task 3.2, INGV,  Roma, 25 p. [800 kb PDF file]

Other EDSF13 aspects and features are further illustrated in the publications listed below.

Woessner, J., Laurentiu, D., Giardini, D., Crowley, H., Cotton, F., Grünthal, G., Valensise, G., Arvidsson, R., Basili, R., Demircioglu, M. B., Hiemer, S., Meletti, C., Musson, R. W., Rovida, A. N., Sesetyan, K., & Stucchi, M. (2015). The 2013 European Seismic Hazard Model: key components and results. In Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering (Vol. 13, Issue 12, pp. 3553–3596). Springer Science and Business Media LLC.

Hiemer, S., Woessner, J., Basili, R., Danciu, L., Giardini, D., & Wiemer, S. (2014). A smoothed stochastic earthquake rate model considering seismicity and fault moment release for Europe. In Geophysical Journal International (Vol. 198, Issue 2, pp. 1159–1172). Oxford University Press (OUP).

Basili R., G. Valensise, P. Vannoli, P. Burrato, U. Fracassi, S. Mariano, M.M. Tiberti, E. Boschi (2008), The Database of Individual Seismogenic Sources (DISS), version 3: summarizing 20 years of research on Italy's earthquake geology, Tectonophysics,

Basili, R., Kastelic, V., Valensise, G., and DISS Working Group 2009 (2009), DISS3 tutorial series: Guidelines for compiling records of the Database of Individual Seismogenic Sources, version 3. Rapporti Tecnici INGV, no. 108, 20 p. [600 kb PDF file]
European Commission Logo
Seventh Framework Programme (FP7)
SHARE | Work Package 3 | Task 3.2
Seismic Hazard Harmonization in Europe
Seventh Framework Programme (FP7)
Grant Agreement No.226769
1 June 2009 - 31 May 2012
SHARE Project Logo

EU flagItalian flag

The work presented on this website has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreements N° 676564 (EPOS IP) and N° 730900 (SERA). It is also financially supported by the EPOS Research Infrastructure through the contribution of the Italian Ministry of University and Research (MUR) for the Joint Research Unit (JRU) EPOS-Italy.

Disclaimer: the content of this website reflects only the authors' views and our funders are not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.

Except where otherwise noted, content on this site is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Note also that each dataset distributed through this platform has its own license.


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