The datasets distributed in these web pages were designed within a pilot study to develop new datasets or strengthen existing ones to provide innovative, strategic data-service portfolios. For these reasons and their intrinsic nature, they cannot be guaranteed to be complete, accurate, and updated in any part necessary for their use in different contexts or applications. Although we made every possible effort to supply the best available information, no warranty, expressed or implied, is provided regarding the accuracy and reliability of the data supplied here. Users are invited to consider the inherent epistemic uncertainty of such datasets in earthquake-related hazard analyses (e.g., surface displacement, ground failures, ground shaking, tsunami). Users are also cautioned to carefully consider the nature of the dataset contents before using them for decisions concerning personal or public safety or concerning business involving substantial financial or operational consequences.

Deprecation warning

EDSF13 is considered outdated, and its publication is only maintained to ensure the reproducibility of scientific research. If you need a dataset in line with the latest knowledge about seismogenic sources in the European and Mediterranean areas, please use EFSM20.
SHARE | Work Package 3 | Task 3.2 Seismic Hazard Harmonization in Europe Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) Grant Agreement No.226769 1 June 2009 - 31 May 2012